
The Big Girl Room

With the option of another baby at some point in the next few years, we decided to finally do something about our spare bedroom.  Which up to this point was called the 'whats all this crap' room.  We stored most of our DIY related house stuff up here - paint, molding, trim, drywall compound, extra tiles from the bathroom floors (2 years ago), spare curtain rods, the swiffer - yah safe to say it was a dumping ground.

It was a kid's bedroom for the last owners as well - and per usual I wasn't thrilled about the color scheme.

The walls were pretty beat up - and it looked like there was both flat and semigloss on these walls?  It was a little odd.

Only one closet in this room - but babies have more stuff than toddlers right?

One of the moves was predicated on finding an awesome deal on a big girl bed for Celeste - that could incidentally also double as an extra guest bed for holidays when we might have a few extra people to host (it's already come in handy!)

We stuck with a tried and true - the Behr Manhattan Mist we have in our living room.  Although I think I do like the greys in the nursery better, it still ends up working well in this room.  And I think once we add fabric and curtains and art and all the furniture it will be a nice backdrop.

So, painting progress:  Cutting in.

The light was cute (from previous owner) - it's from Shades of Light and it's 2 astronauts floating around a space station - but I didn't love it.  We ended up getting this one from Amazon instead (incidentally Light in the Box is the chinese retailer I got my custom made amazing dress from for our Fall cruise):  

Once the base coat was done I wanted to do something special.  A stencil was out of the question (since I'm still working on the half bath 10 months later andthatdamnstenciliskillingme). But I thought something similar might be in order.

Cue the adorable stars.

I tried to make them random.  There are a few colors - and I plan to repeat these on other things in the room - like picture frames and in art.

Like maybe this guy - who was a ceiling medallion and who we are turning into a frame.

More to come in this room - like a bed, the light finally hung, our fabric choices, the tail of a too short curtain rod and too short curtains among other items.

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